We buy your unused bandwidth and monetize it with our enterprise customers.

Who are our customers?

Verified corporations such as Ebay, WeWork, Kiwi, Flight Network

Who are not our customers?

Individuals, end users, freelancers. Anyone who is not a verified corporation.

What do they do?

They access their competitors’ websites (and sometimes even their own) to gather, analyze and extract business-specific public data.

why do they use our network?

  • Gaining competitive advantage in their industry
  • Adapting to different market needs as quickly as possible
  • Ability to get a transparent view of the web from the perspective of a local user
  • Ability to perform market research from any location around the world, supported by our 110+ ISP partners
  • Ability to reach this data in a most reliable way
    Lately, systems are smart enough to detect datacenter IPs and show distorted data.
    Our customers don’t have neither time nor resources to risk being misled.

Use cases of our customers

ad verification

Ad verification

Our ad network customers view their advertisers’ landing pages to ensure they don’t contain malware or improper ads. This verification is crucial for fraud detection. 

Brand protection

Brand protection

Corporations such as Nike, Adidas monitor the web for proper use of their brand to protect their Intellectual Property, trade marks and pricing strategy.



Travel companies collect pricing information of their competitors from different GEO location. Our network allows them to adapt their pricing accordingly and gain competitive advantage.

business intelligence

Business Intelligence

E-commerce companies similar to Ebay, Amazon collect product related features and pricing from the web using our network to get the data in a reliable way without being misled.